Labels:bag | book | box | person | poster | towel | vegetarianism OCR: PUTS FUN INTO LEARNING MORE MUSIC FUNDAMENTALS MUSIC ACE2 100 Musie best musi Picks Up Where Music Ace Leaves Off! education sofaare Trailable with Maestr Mur perfonnance Musi cootinug Ace and his with a variety introdaction rovide y of instnients inusk hegirnin Notey-Tv Covering fundanental nd ermedn returi trehie 200 theor u encore student and Jdea for beginning and intermediate Accelerates learnins Reinfo music orces students traditional MUSICACE Builds of music sollid music fundamentals instrumental more instruction thar vocal real Easi foundation to musi use skills self develops -paced Includes frrm 2.000 15 musical composors examples Helps succeed learning music students or Use studio at home school Loads junt Topics Covered Rhythn Fun Lessons Melody Countine Harmony more engaging mu ...